Bündner Nusstorte, also known as “Engadiner Nusstorte” (Engadine nut cake) stands out as the culinary delight, from the canton of Graubünden. With pear bread it holds a position as a key export item crafted by the skilled bakers and confectioners of Graubünden enjoying widespread popularity within Switzerland and beyond.
At the heart of this treat lies the “Fuatscha grassa,” a sweet pastry that the folks in Engadin expertly use to create their famous nut pie. The interior of this dessert is truly remarkable and irresistibly tempting featuring a blend of nuts, honey, caramel and cream. This heavenly recipe traces its origins back to the century when confectioners hailing from Engadin ventured to Italy, France and America and brought back this recipe with them. It has since been refined over time in their homeland. Now stands as a revered symbol, in the realm of “Steinbockland.”
The Engadiner Nusstorte is a symbol of Switzerlands history embodying the traditional skills and attention to detail of Graubündens pastry chefs. Its delectable scents and distinctive flavor have captured the hearts of many whether as a memento, for travelers or a special indulgence for locals. The Engadine nut tart offers a delight that pleases both the palate and the soul.
Today the Bündner Nusstorte from the “land of the ibex” is proudly shared worldwide enchanting people, from backgrounds and regions. Each bite reflects the passion and craftsmanship poured into its creation. Undoubtedly the Bündner Nusstorte stands as a treasure that excites taste buds and showcases gastronomic pride.
Other well-known Grisons specialties include Capuns, Pizokel, Maluns, Graubünden pear bread and Graubünden air-dried beef.
Best Graubünden nut tart – bake your own Engadine nut tart
The Bündner or Engadine nut cake is a classic Swiss cake recipe from the canton of Graubünden and is an absolute must for all nut lovers to bake themselves!
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