Zurich style sliced veal, called Züri Gschnätzlets is a dish, from Swiss cuisine that has stood the test of time. This traditional recipe features tender veal cooked with wine, cream, meat stock and succulent mushrooms.

Zurich-style sliced veal – Swiss classic
Minced veal has its origins dating back, to the century with similar recipes being popular in the Alpine region during that time. However the earliest written reference to Zürcher Geschnetzeltes can be traced back, to 1947 when it made its debut in a cookbook. The dish was described as a blend of white wine, cream and meat sauce.
Over time various adaptations of the dish have emerged, including mushrooms and tender veal kidneys. Nonetheless it continues to serve as an example of Zurichs culinary offerings.
Today, Zurich-style sliced veal prepared in the Zurich style holds a place, in culinary culture cherished by both residents and visitors. The delightful blend of flavors and the succulent texture of the veal create a satisfying dining experience. Typically enjoyed alongside rösti, a crispy potato delicacy that perfectly complements the veal Zürcher Geschnetzelte is a must try for anyone seeking a taste of cuisine during their travels, through the area.
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Zurich-style sliced veal – Zürcher Geschnetzeltes – is the classic king of Zurich cuisine, though it’s a dish with a relatively short history. It was only in a 1947 Swiss cookbook that the terms ‘Zürich’ and ‘Geschnetzeltes’ (or ‘sliced’) paired up for the first time – at the time without the mushrooms that are these days a must. These day, the dish can be found on the menu of almost every home-style Swiss restaurant.
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