For 500 years the Betruf or Alpsegen (Prayer call or Alpine blessing) tradition has been observed, in the Central Swiss Alps. This ancient Alpine prayer is sung each evening by communities, in the Alpine regions during summer after work. Through this prayer the Alpine herdsman seeks protection, from dangers by chanting loudly through a “volle,” a milk funnel made of wood or tin.

Prayer call or Alpine blessing – Bernhard Betschart
Prayer call or alpine blessing
The origins of the Betruf or Alpine blessing can be traced back, to times before Christianity or Celtic influence. In Switzerland records of prayer calls date back to the century in the vicinity of Mount Pilatus. The practice of calling for prayer was met with controversy as it was seen as pagan. It held significance for the people. Despite resistance from the Catholic Church due, to its pagan origins efforts were made to incorporate elements into the prayer.
In Swiss Catholic Alpine regions remnants of the alpine prayer can still be heard after a days work; known as “Bättruf” (prayer call) or “Alpsäge” (alpine blessing). This chant is sung without accompaniment in a flavored German dialect. The words are projected through hands or a wooden milk funnel (volle).
The prayer callers chant serves as a ritual invoking God, Mary, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and different saints, in High German to safeguard all beings on the alp from harm particularly during the night. Various perils like storms, wolves, robbers and spirits are specifically named as threats.
In every direction Mary and the patron saints are called upon to watch over all living beings and belongings, on the alp.
All good things come in threes
Did you know that the number 3 had a special meaning for almost all peoples and was considered sacred? This is why the Hail Mary is usually sung three times during the prayer call or Alpine blessing.
The caller takes a wooden funnel from the hook and stands outside his alpine hut. He gathers himself together and then shouts the Alpine blessing through the funnel in a powerful voice.
Ave, Ave Maria (Hail, Hail Mary)
Es walte Gott und Maria (May God and Mary reign)
Der Name des Herrn sei gebenedeit (Blessed be the name of the Lord,),
von nun an bis in Ewigkeit…(from now on until eternity…)
Furthermore traditions and customs in the region Lake-Lucerne:
- Bödelen – a fascinating Swiss dance tradition
- Schwingen – Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Festival
- Geisslechlöpfen – Whip Cracking
- Büchel – Traditional Swiss musical instrument
- Muotathaler Naturjuuz
- Gäuerlen – traditional Swiss dance
- Muotathaler Wetterschmöcker – weather smeller
Video Rigi Betruf
Let the prayer call inspire you…
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Video On our culture: Betruf portrait
The call to prayer is a typical alpine custom. In the evening, after the work is done, the alpine farmers ask their patron saints for a blessing with the prayer call. The verses are shouted through the “Volle”, a wooden milk funnel. The funnel shape of the “Volle” gives the chant a sound effect that carries the prayer call almost as far as the valley. The alpine farmer calls out with a strong voice – because the further the sound reaches, the wider the protection extends over the alp, his animals and the pastures.
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