Nünichlingler custom

Customs Basel Region

On the night of December 24th a group of men wearing cloaks known as the Nünichlingler come together to partake in a captivating tradition. When the clock strikes nine signaling the end of the day they begin their procession.

Christmas Eve Tradition: The Fascinating Ritual of the Nünichlingler Unveiled

The group of men strolls through the village in a formation of three with the “Bäsemaa” leading the way. This notable figure sports a beard. Carries a lengthy pole draped with a cloth covered in soot. The other men sport towering hats that reach, up to four meters these extravagant headpieces stem from a friendly rivalry among them to see who can don the tallest top hat. Crafted from cardboard tubes these top hats require support, from roof battens. Are secured to their bodies with straps. The men move quietly their strides harmonized with the chimes of bells hanging around their necks.

As they make their way through the village under cover of night an eerie atmosphere surrounds the procession. 45 minutes later the march comes to a halt and all bells fall silent. Some participants head to eateries while others partake in a midnight service.

The ancient tradition of the Nünichlinger was initially intended to keep spirits at bay and safeguard the village from occurrences.

This intriguing ceremony takes place in the villages of Sissach, Ziefen and Arboldswil, on Christmas Eve. The Nünichlingler Ziefen is recognized as a living tradition, in Switzerland making it part of the UNESCO list that aims to preserve and celebrate heritage.

Video Nünichlingler Ziefen

Nünichlingler Ziefen

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