For generations a distinct style of yodeling known as “juuzen” has been a cherished tradition, in Muotathal embraced by the locals as “Naturjuuz”.
Muota Valley stands out as a location with its Swiss scenery that is truly unparalleled. The area boasts features like the Silberen karst region, the awe inspiring Hölloch cave. One of Europes largest caves and Glattalp with its remarkably frigid temperatures. Equally captivating are the Bödmerenwald primeval forest, the largest of its kind in the Alps and the enchanting natural landscapes found in the surrounding valleys. Yet it’s not the beauty that sets Muota Valley apart; it’s also the people themselves, with their genuine dialect and charmingly stubborn yet endearing demeanor.
The Muota Valley stands out for its feature known as “Naturjuuz,” a form of yodelling that sets it apart from regions. Unlike singing “juuzen” focuses more, on expression and individuality than perfection. Historical recordings showcase this style characterized by wild tones that may initially sound rough and unconventional to those unfamiliar with it. The roots of Muotatal yodelling seem to stem from the surroundings possibly originating during work on the meadows and mountain pastures. However upon listening a captivating musical world unfolds, showcasing melodies and rhythms. These sounds capture an essence reflecting the proud nature of the valleys inhabitants.
Through “Naturjuuz ” the Muota Valley preserves a heritage that captivates both locals and visitors alike. This form of yodelling serves, as a bridge connecting people to their environment and traditions offering a glimpse into the identity and culture of the region.
Nature juuuz course & folklore with Bernhard Betschart
Discover the Juuz charm during an one day workshop. Immerse yourself in the timeless tunes of Muota Valleys yodeling master the methods of Alpine singing and experience the freeing art of yodeling without musical notes. Guided by expert Bernhard Betschart you will delve into yodels, from the Muota Valley.
In addition, Büchel & Alphorn blowing, Chlefelen or Alpine Blessing or Prayer Call can also be tried out. The traditional cattle bells, the “Triichlä”, are also available on request. Beginners and advanced players are very welcome!
Further information at:
Video Naturjuuz on the Pfaffen, Glattalp
Ein Jüüzli auf dem “Pfaffen”, auf der Glattalp.
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Video Naturjuuz – pure nature (Dr Riedter)
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