Landsgemeinde Appenzell

Customs Eastern Switzerland

The Landsgemeinde in Appenzell held on Landsgemeinde Sunday showcases the idea that ultimate authority rests with the citizens.

This longstanding tradition is now limited to Glarus and Appenzell Innerrhoden cantons as it was discontinued in Appenzell Ausserrhoden in 1997. During this day a sizable turnout of voters convenes to address matters.

A Glimpse into Swiss Democracy: The Time-Honored Landsgemeinde Tradition

The Landsgemeinde, in Appenzell is a tradition where citizens participate in elections and make decisions on crucial issues at the cantonal level. It serves as a demonstration of the authority of the populace, in governing the state. Through a display of democracy individuals come together in outdoor gatherings to vote and influence the direction of their cantons future.

Landsgemeinde pastries Chrempfli

Landsgemeinde pastries Chrempfli ©

Every year on the Sunday of April the residents of Innerrhoden come together in Appenzell for the Landsgemeinde ceremony. The day kicks off with a service attended by the Standeskommission ( government officials) the cantonal court and esteemed guests.

Landsgemeinde Appenzell Innerrhoden

At noon a grand procession commences, from the town hall to the Landsgemeindeplatz featuring the Standeskommission, the cantonal court and esteemed guests. Leading the way is the Harmonie Appenzell music society playing a march.

The Rhodsfähnriche and Junkers of the seven Innerrhoden Rhoden add to the scene with their uniforms and flags. Officials don their coats with men carrying sidearms (sabres or swords) and hats.

Upon hearing the ringing of a bell from a church tower the presiding Landammann inaugurates the Landsgemeinde with a poignant speech. The election of two Landammänner ensues culminating in a point where both officials and citizens swear an oath. A symbolic gesture of great importance, to the community of Innerrhoden.


Talerschwingen – Customs and tradition ©

Before important decisions are made, such, as those regarding the constitution, laws and financial matters the Ethics Committee and Cantonal Court members are either. Newly elected. Citizens with voting rights have the opportunity to express their views and present arguments for or against the proposals.

At the conclusion of the Landsgemeinde in Appenzell the departure occurs with a procession, accompanied by music from the Harmonie Appenzell music society upon their return.

The Landsgemeinde in Appenzell serves as a demonstration of a democracy and highlights the deep bond between Innerrhodens people and their history and customs. It symbolizes citizen involvement, in governance. Showcases how a nation collectively manages its political affairs in an impactful manner.

This traditional gathering adds a charm to the canton of Innerrhoden. Draws visitors from both near and far annually who seek to immerse themselves in the captivating ambiance of the Landsgemeinde.

Video Appenzeller Landsgemeinde | Switzerland

This is the only place in the whole world where a sword serves as voter ID…

Appenzeller Landsgemeinde | Switzerland

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