The Harder Potschete is a captivating masked tradition held annually on January 2nd, in Interlaken. During this event the Hardermann, accompanied by his Wyb (wife) and the Potschen followers, traverse the streets of Interlaken. The Potschen donned in masks engage in shouting, dancing and thrilling the onlookers with their antics.
For years this traditional procession has followed a path starting from the market square through Unterseen and back to its origin. The streets of Interlaken brim, with spectators awaiting the appearance of the Hardermannli and his intriguing companions.
The central figure of the procession the Hardermannli wields a staff that adds to the ambiance created by him and the Potschen. The Harder Potschete presents a mesmerizing display that enchants viewers while offering a glimpse into age customs and traditions of the area. This event serves as a bridge to preserve Interlakens history and cultural legacy by bringing people to revel in the realm of masks and traditions.
Das Hardermannli
Nestled in the mountains of Interlaken below the peak of Harder lies a captivating rock formation that naturally resembles the imposing figure of a man. This striking likeness, affectionately named “Hardermannli ” is believed to embody the mountain spirit, in legend. The Hardermannli plays a role in the custom of Harder Potschete.
Every January 2nd the Hardermannli descends from the mountains alongside his Wyb (wife). The Potschen, his minions to visit the people of Bödeli, a village near Interlaken. The Potschen are masked characters who thrill onlookers with their antics during this tradition. The procession is accompanied by festivities aimed at banishing the winters spirits.
Symbolizing darkness and mystery that linger over the winter landscape the Hardermannli represents a custom that rejoices in lights return and triumph over darkness. As the Hardermannli fades away symbolically it signifies lights victory. Heralds an era of awakening and hope, amidst Interlakens snowy scenery.
The classic Harder-Potschete celebration is a one of a kind event that unites locals, from the area and revives a legend.
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