Gotthelf Center Emmental


As a Swiss cultural asset of national importance, the Gotthelf Center preserves the legacy of the great Emmental writer Jeremias Gotthelf.

Exploring the Gotthelf Center: A Glimpse into Swiss Literary History

The Gotthelf Center in the Bernes Midlands is located in the former vicarage where Albert Bitzius lived as a priest and poet from 1831 to 1854 and created his impressive literary work under the pseudonym Jeremias Gotthelf. His best-known novels include “Uli der Knecht”, “Anne Bäbi Jowäger”, “Geld und Geist” and “Die Käserei in der Vehfreude”, while “Die Schwarze Spinne” is considered his most famous novella.

Gotthelf Center

Gotthelf Center

Gotthelf Center Emmental

Gotthelf Center Emmental

The modern museum, which opened in 2012, provides a deep insight into Gotthelf’s life and shows his many facets as a pastor, writer, journalist, teacher, school inspector and bailiff for the poor. Visitors can experience his incredible creative power and admire valuable first editions.

The entire first floor of the historic building, which dates back to 1655, has been fitted out for a permanent exhibition on Gotthelf’s life and work. The new center sees itself as an inspiring place designed to arouse the curiosity of visitors. It also allows different approaches to the “phenomenon” of Gotthelf. For example, the enormous productivity of this prolific writer is presented in Gotthelf’s reconstructed study.

In the media room, visitors can compare original texts with corresponding radio play sequences by Ernst Balzli on interactive flat screens and watch film clips of Franz Schnyder’s works. The Gotthelf Center invites visitors to immerse themselves in the world and work of this outstanding writer and to explore his important role in Swiss literary history.

Video BLS excursion tip: Gotthelf Center Lützelflüh

Where Jeremias Gotthelf lived and worked. Discover how Gotthelf lived with his family, where “Uli der Knecht” was written, “Die Käserei in der Vehfreude”, “Anne Bäbi Jowäger”, “Die Schwarze Spinne” and much more – where he composed his sermons, wrote his letters and discussed and debated with guests.

BLS Ausflugstipp: Gotthelf Zentrum Lützelflüh

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Video Best of Gotthelf

A small homage to the Jeremias Gotthelf films by Franz Schnyder from the 50s and 60s.

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